duologue scripts for girls

Drama assignment-need to find duologues.
18.10.2009 · I need a duologue for a boy and a girl, preferably something more serious, but we are quite flexible, its difficult as all we can seem to find are monologues.
Duologue for 2 Female Actors - Ask Jeeves
duologue scripts for girls
Acting Scenes Index11.07.2011 · i need a good play that me and my friend can act out it only needs to be a few minutes long its for my duologue tomorrow please help!! :/ thanks

The list of Acting Scenes available on ActingScenes.com. Browse, sort or search the database for the scene you want.
SHORT MONOLOGUES for actors, a collection of comedic, dramatic and suspenseful monologues for women and men from 30 second to 10 minutes.
What are good, well known plays that two.
Recent Articles. The Awesome Audition - Choosing the Right Monologue Part Three; Selection process for the Americas got talent audition; My last dutchess as a
18.05.2008 · Best Answer: I have done some research on places on the internet where you can find scenes and monologues of all types, including duet acting scripts, teen
Duologue-for-2-Female-Actors - Which Shakespeare plays include duologues for 2 actors (male and female)? : Dear Michelle - Thank you for your question - and wow
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Duologues for Women
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